Journey Across Africa

Below you'll find stories of my two year experience as a Peace Corps Volunteer in the small West African country of The Gambia. After my service I traveled solo, with only a small backpack, across West Africa; reaching N'Djamena, Chad after two months. Visa problems for Libya and Civil unrest in the Darfur region of Western Sudan made Chad my last stop.

Peace Corps Service: Aug. 2003 - July 2005

Journey Across Africa: July 2005 - Sept. 2005

Location: Boston, MA, United States

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Two Years Later

Our Education / Health Group the day after we finished our COS conference.

We are in the same relative positions in the 'after' picture as in the 'before' picture.

[You can save the pictures for larger viewing; roughly three times larger]

July 2003

Back Row: Rebecca Sawyer, Janny Chang, Isaac Christiansen, Doug Ricket, Erik Chantiny, Bethany Stewart, Kathleen Lester, Kristina Rerucha, Jennifer Russell, Greta Klingler, Jordan Engler, Allison Dorsey, Kate Jorgensen, Louis Simmons, Lauren Gauchat, Michael Sheppard, Carrie Platt, Jessamy Garver-Affeldt, Annamarie Behring, John Warren, Justin Shirley, Jeffrey Bugaski, Alicia Bloch, Arhur Remien, James Bellenger, Kelly Packer.

Front Row (sitting): Mirlene Andre, Amanda Little, Sarah Grimm, Melanie Natoli, Olivia Ashmead, Victoria Lawrence, Nicole Chapman, Hilary Renaldy, Ariane Lee, Vidisha Parasram, Matt Smith.

March 2005

Back Row: Doug Ricket, Bethany Stewart, Krissy Rerucha, Greta Klingler, Mike Sheppard, Jessamy Garver-Affeldt, Jeff Bugajski, Bear Remien, Kelly Packer

Middle Row: Erik Chantiny, Kate Lester, Jenni Russell, Jordan Engler, Annamarie Behring, Alicia Bloch, James Bellenger

Front Row: Mirlene Andre, Sarah Grimm, Vickie Lawrence, Hilary Renaldy, Ariane Lee, Matt Smith

Not pictured: Allison Dorsey, Kate Jorgensen, Justin Shirley